
WorkSafe Approved
Compliance Certifiers
With over 25+ years experience within the Hazardous Substance Sector, our Worksafe approved Compliance Certifiers can easily recognise and help you understand the many challenges faced with Dangerous Goods/Hazardous Substances, Chemical Storage and Handling with the aim to get you correctly certified.
ICL’s Compliance Certifiers assess workplace facilities, processes and people handling or using hazardous substances to ensure compliance to the Health and Safety at Work Act (Hazardous Substances) Regulations 2017.
Our Compliance Certifiers are required to perform inspection and audit your site / tank /tank wagons to ensure all requirements are in place before a Compliance Certificate is issued.
Compliance Certifiers have specific areas of expertise in the requirement of compliance to HSWA. Eg: Class 2-5, 6 & 8 hazardous substances.
Location Compliance
You may require a location compliance certificate if you have explosive, flammable, oxidising, toxic or corrosive substances and the quantity exceeds the thresholds specified in the Health and Safety at Work (Hazardous Substances) Regulations 2017.
We will do a comprehensive Location (site) assessment to ensure that your workplace achieves and maintains HSWA compliance.
You will be informed of any non-compliance issues and make recommendations for remedial rectifications within a comprehensive compliance report. At ICL, we assist our clients to achieve HSWA compliance and will research and provide (where necessary) any information or contacts to ensure any remedial works can be easily implemented.
As part of our added service, ICL contacts our clients ideally 6 weeks out from expiry date of certificate to ensure compliance is upheld. All site inspections will be conducted within a month of expiry, to ensure any remedial work can be achieved and to avoid lapse of certification.
Please refer to our Library for an application form and a handy checklist to help you prepare and use as a reference.
Certified Handler
Training Certificate
A certified handler is someone who has been certified to handle very hazardous substances. Their compliance certificates are issued by compliance certifiers and are valid for five years.
For the purposes of regulation 13.9 of the Health and Safety at Work (Hazardous Substances) Regulations 2017 and in accordance with regulations 4.1 and 6.23, A verification process is now required upon the release of Worksafe’s Certified Handler Performance Standard 2018.
Certification now involves a two pronged approach: a third party assessor/facilitators to review, collate documentation and train your team then a compliance certifier review towards certification.
Step 1 You must first sit a Comprehensive Chemical HSWA Training course.
Step 2 Gather information including SDS, SOP, ERP Management, Long term health Monitoring, Inventory, tracking records, and submit to us for review.
Step 3 If an on-site assessment is required, we will test the following: Fume Hood training evidence , PPE/ fit test evidence, candidate interview
Step 4 Upon completion of step 3, and after all the required evidence is received and the application has been reviewed, assuming no issues are raised, we will process your application and issue a 5 year Certified Handler Certification
Costs are charged at each stage and is roughly $350 – $450 excluding GST per stage. Get in touch with us today to discuss your requirements
Stationary Container
Compliance Certificates
For a Stationary Container System Compliance Certificate, ICL’s Compliance Certifiers will conduct a Tank inspection and complete a report using the form ‘Stationary Container System Report’ which outlines whether the stationary container system meets all the compliance requirements or not.
Our Compliance Certifiers are widely experienced in new tank installation and existing tank certification and can assist with obtaining Tank information towards compliancy.
A Stationary Container system means a Stationary Tank or Process Container and its associated equipment, pipework and fittings, up to and including all transfer points. This includes such items as valves, vaporisers, oil burners, gensets, means of secondary containment and fire fighting systems.
Stationary Container Systems containing hazardous substances of any hazard classification that are liquids (flammables (including diesel), toxics, corrosives and ecotoxic substances), and which meet the following conditions:
1. All below ground stationary tanks or process containers with a capacity of more than 250 litres.
2. All above ground stationary tanks with a capacity of more than:
a. 2,500 litres and that contain or are intended to contain a substance of class 3.1A (e.g. petrol) or 3.1B (e.g. acetone, iso-propanol, solvents);
b. 5,000 litres and that contain or are intended to contain a hazardous substance of any other classification (e.g. diesel, toxic, corrosive or ecotoxic substance);
c. 500 litres water capacity containing a hazardous gas (e.g. oxygen, chlorine).
3. Tanks connected to a burner or a stationary internal combustion engine with a capacity of more than:
a. 50 litres containing a class 3.1A, 3.1B or 3.1C hazardous substance supplying an internal combustion engine;
b. 500 litres containing a class 3.1D substance supplying an internal combustion engine (includes diesel);
c. 60 litres containing a class 3.1 substance supplying a burner.
4. A stationary container system that includes a direct fired vaporiser.
a. Over 250 litres water capacity that contain a hazardous gas;
b. Over 1,000 litres capacity that contain a hazardous liquid.
NOTE: Process containers which are constructed of fire resistant material, which contain class 2.1.1, 3.1A, 3.1B or 3.1C hazardous substances and which are required to comply with the Health and Safety in Employment (Pressure Equipment, Cranes and Passenger Ropeways) Regulations are excluded.