Site Plans

Site Plans

When the hazardous substances present are in quantities equal to, or greater than those specified in the regulations, In order for a compliance certifier to issue a Location Compliance Certificate as per Regulation 10.34 of the Health and Safety at Work (Hazardous Substances) Regulations 2017, they must test the controls of each sub-clause listed in these regulations.

Sub-clause (d) calls for compliance with regulation 10.6 and the need to document a “Hazardous Atmosphere Zone”

Where sites require an accurate Site Plan that:

1. Outline the building and layout including its boundaries (drawn to scale)
2. Site Boundary with distances.
3. Clearly marks and identifies all hazardous substance locations and tanks or processing equipment for hazardous substances with their vapour / atmosphere zones and controlled zones, and separation distances from protected places)
4. Description for each substance, which includes classifications and max quantity.
5. North Point Arrow.
6. Fire extinguisher, fire exit, manual call points and spill kits.
7. Legends for symbols and fills.
8. Title Block (Company Name, Street Address, Dates, etc).
9. The location of the nearest water supply, such as tanks or hydrants (size of tank; arrow indicating direction of hydrant); emergency evacuation meeting points; access and shut-off points for gas, water, electricity mains, shut-off valves for any piped gas or chemical processing systems; any major electrical transformers, generators or other potentially hazardous plant; any specialised fire safety systems; location or direction of any high-risk neighbours.

It may also include:

1. Doors, walls, and any major features.
2. Room labels.
3. Overall building dimension.
4. Location Plan
5. Vehicular and pedestrian entry points
6. Assembly point, fire alarm and electrical Switchboard (if identified)

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